Photo of students at Trial Team competition.

Why Hire from Wake Forest Law

Logo of US News and World Report's Best Grad Schools Ranking - Law

Wake Forest University School of Law is a top tier school ranked #25 of all ABA accredited law schools listed in the U.S. News & World Report. We produce well-rounded lawyers with excellent legal analysis and writing skills. In fact, our legal writing program is ranked #5 in the country. Our rigorous curriculum, commitment to experiential learning, and ground-breaking Professional Development Course together create attorneys fully prepared to enter, succeed and lead in today’s legal market.  Your clients will be grateful to have a Wake Forest trained attorney on their team.

Our Wake Forest Law curriculum prepares students to work in any jurisdiction of the United States and abroad. Whether their interest lies in becoming an associate in a law firm, a prosecutor, general counsel for a Fortune 500 company, or an entertainment lawyer, they graduate fully prepared for their first day on the job. Wake Forest Law students and graduates are ready to work.

What Employers are Saying

“Our intern’s strongest trait is that he is not afraid to ask questions and seek clarity.  He is an excellent reader of people and understands that the law is intended to remedy disputes.  He does not want to get assignments finished, he wants to excel and learn. He not only writes well, he writes concisely and precisely, which will carry him far in this profession. He is extremely conscientious.  Wake Forest prepared him well for this experience.” – Assistant general counsel of a university in Virginia 

“Mentoring [this Wake Forest Law Student] has been a very positive experience. Despite the unique challenges of externing remotely this summer, [he] always had a positive attitude and did high quality work. He asked really good questions about the legislative process that often made me  stop and think about how to best explain it, which helped me understand the process on a deeper level.” – Attorney supervisor at a state government employer  

“[My 1L WFU Law Student Intern’s] legal analysis and research skills are above what I would expect from a 1L. She was always 5 minutes early for every call and very professional in every interaction.” – Attorney supervisor at a mid-size full service business law firm in the triad 

“[My WFU Law Student Intern] was able to identify several areas of potential issues that I had not even considered and research and prepare trial preparation outlines to assist me in an arbitration in a contract dispute. – Criminal law attorney in the Charlotte, NC Metro Area

“I had a rising 2L at Wake for the summer of 2019. He was a delightful young man and your school should be very proud of him. His writing skills are some of the best I have seen in someone his age. I would bring him back without a second thought.”Attorney, Mt. Pleasant, NC

“I’ve been seeing lots of internship applications from law students in North Carolina.  I have to say that the application packets I’ve received from Wake Law students have been the best in terms of formatting, presentation, and polish.  The Wake Law students also seem more prepared for interviews.  So whatever you’re doing, keep doing it!” – US Magistrate Judge, NC

“The on-campus interviews at Wake Forest School of Law introduced me to a talented group of rising 2L’s and 3L’s with impressive experiences to date.  So often, I witness new attorneys struggling with the practice management skills needed to be successful and happy (i.e., average stress levels as a working professional).  The students I met have already been exposed to time and billing systems and the nuances of creating concise time entries for presentation to clients.   These candidates were already thinking about how those time and billing entries need to be crafted to accurately reflect the work they were doing in a manner that illustrates value to a client.  I am impressed by the micro-levels of thinking going on among the students I met.  It’s great to hear law students talking about the day-to-day practice management skills a top-notch lawyer needs to kick off a terrific career!”Andrea C. Kirksey, General Counsel & HR Director, Burgeon Legal Group, Ltd. Co., Pawleys Island, SC

“[Our 1L summer intern] produced a thorough, succinct analysis of a nuanced fiduciary duty question.  Her memo was extraordinarily good—particularly when considering that she had not yet taken corporations. The memo would have been well done by a junior associate at a large law firm. Very well done!”  – General counsel of technology company, Raleigh, NC

“[This summer I brought on] my third Wake Forest Law student. One of the prior students had just completed his first year, and the other his second.  I continue to be impressed with the skills and knowledge I have seen.  My intern was always pleasant and cheerful, and seemed to thrive on challenging tasks.  If I had to say one thing alone that I have learned, it is to set the bar high, as intimidation does not seem to be in her vocabulary.”  – Managing partner of business litigation firm, Charleston, SC

“[Our Wake Forest Law intern’s] organizational skills and work ethic are second to none, which immediately made him an integral part of the team this summer.  I hope that I was able to give him helpful feedback and direction, despite his already well-developed legal skills and professionalism.” – Public interest attorney, Charlotte, NC 

“We have had 16 interns over a four year period. [Our Wake Forest Law intern] is certainly near the top.  We expose an intern to a variety of situations and adjust our program to meet their capacity. He has no limitations.  He excels.  He is a “go-getter.” We see real promise in his legal career.  This cannot be said of all that we have mentored.  We hope to maintain a relationship with him in the future.” – Office manager of real estate practice, Charlotte, NC (first time having an intern from Wake Forest Law).

Year-Round Recruiting

Registration is available for a variety of seasonal recruiting options that allow you to recruit our high-caliber students for summer positions as well as our graduates for full-time employment. You may post job opportunities year-round through our job bank on Symplicity or simply by filling out our job posting form. Application packets can be received as they are submitted or upon expiration of the posting.

For help in achieving your recruiting goals, please contact our Recruiting Coordinator, Catherine Sapp, at or 336-758-3325. 

Image of Worrell library background with "ready to work" written over it.